National Capital Region Virginia (Corporate Office)

Committed to Excellence

Overlook Systems Technologies, Inc.
Attention: Mr. Douglas S. Taggart
1950 Old Gallows Road, Suite 400
Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: (703) 972-4371
Fax: (703) 356-9029
Email: [email protected]

Lat/Lon:  N 38° 54′ 40.0″ W 77° 13′ 22.2″

USNG:  18SUJ 0727 0926

Overlook has provided continuous support to the Office of the Secretary of Defense since 1987. Tasks include support for GPS/PNT Management and Security Policies, Federal Radionavigation Plan development and management, guidelines for US Government export of GPS hardware and software, Navigation Warfare policy development, and reviewing and processing DoD policy waiver requests. Overlook also supports the military departments with responsibilities for GPS and PNT technologies, the Principal DoD Space Advisor, and the interagency National Coordination Office which administers National PNT Executive Board activities.  Additionally, Overlook provides support to NASA Headquarters to include navigation policy and engineering subject matter expertise for GPS and PNT activities within the Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) program of the Space Operations Mission Directorate.